Daily Message
Date and Times given in Eastern Standard Time

10 Wednesday November 20th - Moon enters Leo 8:52 AM
Sun ingress Sagittarius Thursday November 21st 2:58 PM
Pride and ambition will be given their roles as some individuals will be called to stay in harmony with the public while at the same time they may be called to assist. Many will be inspirations to others, who will in turn inspire others. For some public image may seem more important than usual. Some may experience public attention in a positive way as a result of finally having and expressing the courage and boldness to act independently. Taking the time to move into stillness may bring some events into broader understanding. Visualization can be of benefit as the day may seem to follow more evenly and with congruency as opposed to being less prepared to meet challenges where one might be knocked off one's intended schedule. Also a pre visual of one's up coming events can flesh out issues one may have missed. If we are to address the public we may feel ourselves being supported by others, and that we are on time and that we indeed to bring value to those who witness our presentation. How security is shared between individuals is being tuned up or reset. Sudden changes in an individual's typical way of understanding and dealing with resources may quickly change, some unexpected reality may change everything in regards to sharing property or wealth. Confident individuals will appear to be getting stronger and some perhaps become more aggressive. If their intentions are good then this can be beneficial. If there is lots of talking there will be those who are discerning and are calling for truth and value though shared ideas and words. Public reputation concerns can for some become more dominate, at least for the next several weeks.

New Message Begins November 22 2024 6:02 PM
The Daily Message is taken from the current PathfinderReport

Astrologer * William Oulton

Next New Moon
10 Days, 1 Hours, and 4 Minutes.