Daily Message
Date and Times given in Eastern Standard Time

01 Tuesday May 7th 11:23 PM EST 2024 - New Moon in Taurus
A shared sensitivity regarding social freedom as experienced by couples can become very important. Security can change suddenly affecting partnerships. It can seem as if the Earth is coming alive in an unexpected way. Those who feel married to her the Earth can feel this as well as their sensitivity is perhaps buzzing more often and at an increasing frequency. The freedom of the Earth is known by her, it's as if she is waking up and becoming more present in all our lives. The air we breath the water we drink the food we eat it is all apart of her presence her dynamic, we as organic human creatures are apart of this extended sensual experience. As the frequency of the Earth increases so will our own frequency increase as we too are present within it, where the Earth goes we go. Independent actions can be a testimonial of love for one's partner. A shared belief which in some way defines "what is the character of courage" can become real, real actions manifesting. Authorities who are extra sensitive to the well being of the Earth and are protective of family integrity can become empowered by Earth's changing and increasing frequency. Historic authorities who have typically ignored the Earth's special role in our lives will be searching through their religious and spiritual beliefs looking for something which can feel real in a solid way to them. If they choose to acknowledge the Earth their journey and can change dramatically right now. The meaning of security and comfort can become more directly related to abundance as a simplicity begins to return, ideally paralleling a refreshed functional economic infrastructure.

New Message Begins May 8 2024 7:22 PM
The Daily Message is taken from the current PathfinderReport

Astrologer * William Oulton

Next New Moon
28 Days, 23 Hours, and 51 Minutes.