Daily Message
Date and Times given in Eastern Standard Time

07 Wednesday March 12th - Moon enters Virgo 2:57 AM
Full Moon Friday March 14th 2:56 AM EST
A need for practicality and less fantasy can play out symbolically. The full Moon can signal a time when some need to really get their ducks in a row and be super duper in their 3d realism. We may feel a deep connection with spirit, an expansive presence of love and light, some may connect with their religious icons or guides. This Virgo full Moon can trigger a male energy cleansing. Our imagination is very important as it is our own personal starship. However with humanity unaware their thoughts create their magic has been hy-jacked. Delusions have been set into false truth. This can no longer function in the energy quality of our current collective experiences and so it is times like these where individuals must get good and clear as to what serves their goodness and what enslaves them. We don't want to throw the baby out with the bath water. If we have been lured into collectively believing things which are turning out to be limitations to our natural joy then we need to know we had agreed to it, we need to admit this. Once we do we can realize a lot of trapped energy and move our awareness to see an advancing panorama. Lovers of independence can share a bond. Some lovers may share their truth, an embracing of one's own impulsive nature has them spontaneous telling their mate how they truly feel.

New Message Begins March 14 2025 3:00 PM
The Daily Message is taken from the current PathfinderReport

Astrologer * William Oulton

Next New Moon
15 Days, 4 Hours, and 5 Minutes.