Magnified Self Awareness

This section is meant to follow the other five descriptions pertaining to Self Awareness which are available in the left side menu bar.

Although the four aspects of self are defined and presented in a general way they can be more personally applied by merging these aspects with a unique birth chart. The added accent of an individuals zodiac sign as well as their particular planetary alignments colors the four aspects lending clarity to an individuals experiences in regards to these aspects of self.

A typical occurrence within the dynamics of experiencing life on an individual basis is for a person to come from a single aspect of self while being unaware of the other three aspects. Since each of the four aspects does indeed carry a version of the other three within it the individual can be caught in the delusion that they are indeed exercising a particular aspect when in fact they are extending a different aspect unknowingly. In order to create a magnified sense of self awareness the individual becomes familiar with each of the four aspects and how these aspects apply to them relative to their own birth date. In creating additional clarity along this line we can take each of the four aspects individually and apply this aspect to the remaining three. This creates a total of twelve personal aspect relationships. If the individual becomes aware of the four aspects and introduces each aspect to the others within them self they will indeed magnify their self awareness. Again there will be twelve relationships which the individual will explore. When a single aspect proceeds in an experience better designed for an alternative aspect the person is acting as if the aspect they are coming from is oblivious to the aspect which is better suited for the experience. As there are twelve relationship dynamics within the self there are also twelve potential types of obliviousness.

The twelve types of obliviousness can be listed as follows:
Temporal Self oblivious to Inspired Self
Temporal Self oblivious to Relationship Self
Temporal Self oblivious to Social Self
Inspired Self oblivious to Temporal Self
Inspired Self oblivious to Relationship Self
Inspired Self oblivious to Social Self
Relationship Self oblivious to Temporal Self
Relationship Self oblivious to Inspired Self
Relationship Self oblivious to Social Self
Social Self oblivious to Temporal Self
Social Self oblivious to Inspired Self
Social Self oblivious to Relationship Self

Each particular type of obliviousness has it's own character in experience.

Originally introduced in Pathfinder Report July 2007

Astrologer * William Oulton

Next New Moon
14 Days, 22 Hours, and 40 Minutes.